Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Logion 3: Essence

Yeshua says...
If your spiritual guides say to you,
"Look, the Divine Realm is in the sky,"
well then the birds will get there ahead of you.
If they say, "It is in the sea,"
then the fish will precede you.
No, divine Reality exists
inside and all around you.
Only when you have come to know your true Self
will you be fully known-- realizing at last that you are
a child of the Living One.
If, however, you never come to know who you truly are,
you are a poverty-stricken being,
and it is your "self" which lies impoverished.
If your spiritual guides say to you,
"Look, the Divine Realm is in the sky,"
well then the birds will get there ahead of you.
If they say, "It is in the sea,"
then the fish will precede you.
No, divine Reality exists
inside and all around you.
Only when you have come to know your true Self
will you be fully known-- realizing at last that you are
a child of the Living One.
If, however, you never come to know who you truly are,
you are a poverty-stricken being,
and it is your "self" which lies impoverished.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Logion 4: Childlike
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Logion 5: Hidden
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Logion 6: Sainthood

His students asked him,
"Do you want us to fast?"
"How shall we pray?"
"Should we give offerings?"
"From what foods must we abstain? "
Yeshua answered,
"Stop lying.
Do not do what you hate,
because everything here lies open before heaven.
Nothing hidden will remain secret,
for the veil will be stripped away
from what lies concealed behind it."
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Logion 8: Deeper

Yeshua says...
A true human being
can be compared to a wise fisherman
who casts his net into the sea
and draws it up from below full of small fish.
Hidden among them
is one large, exceptional fish
which he seizes immediately,
throwing back all the rest without a second thought.
Whoever has ears let them understand this.
A true human being
can be compared to a wise fisherman
who casts his net into the sea
and draws it up from below full of small fish.
Hidden among them
is one large, exceptional fish
which he seizes immediately,
throwing back all the rest without a second thought.
Whoever has ears let them understand this.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Logion 9: Labyrinth

Yeshua says...
A farmer went out to plant,
scattering seed everywhere.
Some seeds fell on the surface of the road,
and the birds came and ate them.
Others fell on rocky ground
and could not take root in the earth,
and so never germinated.
Still other seed fell among the weeds and brambles,
which choked it out and insects devoured.
Some, however, fell onto fertile soil
which produced fruit of high quality,
yielding as much as sixty
and one-hundred and twenty percent.
A farmer went out to plant,
scattering seed everywhere.
Some seeds fell on the surface of the road,
and the birds came and ate them.
Others fell on rocky ground
and could not take root in the earth,
and so never germinated.
Still other seed fell among the weeds and brambles,
which choked it out and insects devoured.
Some, however, fell onto fertile soil
which produced fruit of high quality,
yielding as much as sixty
and one-hundred and twenty percent.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Logion 10: Separation
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Logion 11: Freedom

Yeshua says...
The sky and all that lies in the dimensions above it
will cease to exist.
The dead know nothing of life, and the living will never die.
When you consume that which is already dead,
you are turning it back into life.
So, then, when you too re-emerge into the Light,
what will you do?
For on the day when you were created one,
you also became two,
but when you come to realize your twoness again,
what will you do?
The sky and all that lies in the dimensions above it
will cease to exist.
The dead know nothing of life, and the living will never die.
When you consume that which is already dead,
you are turning it back into life.
So, then, when you too re-emerge into the Light,
what will you do?
For on the day when you were created one,
you also became two,
but when you come to realize your twoness again,
what will you do?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Logion 12: Adrift
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Logion 13: I Am

Yeshua asked his students,
"Tell me, then, who am I like?
To whom will you compare me?"
Simon Peter said,
"You are like a just angel."
Matthew said,
"You are a philosopher of wisdom."
Thomas said,
"Master, I cannot find words to express who you really are."
Yeshua said,
"Thomas, it is no longer necessary for me to be your Master
for you are drinking from the gushing spring
I have opened for you,
and you have become intoxicated."
Then Yeshua took Thomas aside
and spoke three sayings to him in private.
When Thomas returned to the company of his companions
they, of course, asked him,
"What did Yeshua say to you?"
"If I were to tell you
even one of the things he spoke to me," Thomas replied,
"you would pick up these rocks and stone me,
and then fire would blaze out of them and burn you."
"Tell me, then, who am I like?
To whom will you compare me?"
Simon Peter said,
"You are like a just angel."
Matthew said,
"You are a philosopher of wisdom."
Thomas said,
"Master, I cannot find words to express who you really are."
Yeshua said,
"Thomas, it is no longer necessary for me to be your Master
for you are drinking from the gushing spring
I have opened for you,
and you have become intoxicated."
Then Yeshua took Thomas aside
and spoke three sayings to him in private.
When Thomas returned to the company of his companions
they, of course, asked him,
"What did Yeshua say to you?"
"If I were to tell you
even one of the things he spoke to me," Thomas replied,
"you would pick up these rocks and stone me,
and then fire would blaze out of them and burn you."
Monday, March 8, 2010
Logion 14: The Path

Yeshua says...
If you fast
you will only be giving birth to sin in yourself.
If you pray,
your prayers will come back to haunt you.
If you give to charity,
you will create evil within your own spirit.
If, however, you travel through a region
and they welcome you,
eat whatever is put in front of you,
and heal their sick.
For it is not what goes into your mouth which contaminates you,
but what comes out of it.
If you fast
you will only be giving birth to sin in yourself.
If you pray,
your prayers will come back to haunt you.
If you give to charity,
you will create evil within your own spirit.
If, however, you travel through a region
and they welcome you,
eat whatever is put in front of you,
and heal their sick.
For it is not what goes into your mouth which contaminates you,
but what comes out of it.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Logion 15: Homecoming
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Logion 16: Comfort

Yeshua says...
Some of you are thinking perhaps
that I have come into the cosmos to bring it peace.
No! You do not yet realize
that I have come to throw it into utter chaos
through burning, blade, and battle.
Five will be living in one household.
Three will face off against two,
and two against three.
Parents will rise up against children,
and children against their parents,
until at last they shall stand as one on their own feet.
Some of you are thinking perhaps
that I have come into the cosmos to bring it peace.
No! You do not yet realize
that I have come to throw it into utter chaos
through burning, blade, and battle.
Five will be living in one household.
Three will face off against two,
and two against three.
Parents will rise up against children,
and children against their parents,
until at last they shall stand as one on their own feet.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Logion 17: Beyond
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Logion 18: Destiny

His student said to him,
"So, tell us, then, what our end and destiny will be?"
Yeshua answered,
"Have you already discovered your origin
so that you are now free to seek after your end?
It is only at your source that you will find your destiny.
Blessed are those who come to stand
in their place of origination,
for it is there that they will know their end--
never tasting death."
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Logion 19: Unchanging

Yeshua says...
Blessed are all who come to live
at the point of arising--
their "genesis,"
before they came into temporality.
If you become my students,
listening deeply to my words,
even these stones will serve you.
And in paradise five evergreen trees await you.
They do not change in summer
nor shed their leaves in winter.
If you come to know them,
you will not know the taste of death.
Blessed are all who come to live
at the point of arising--
their "genesis,"
before they came into temporality.
If you become my students,
listening deeply to my words,
even these stones will serve you.
And in paradise five evergreen trees await you.
They do not change in summer
nor shed their leaves in winter.
If you come to know them,
you will not know the taste of death.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Logion 21: Attention

Miriam said,
"Then tell us, Master, what your students are like.
How would you describe them?"
He answered,
"They are like small children
living in a field not their own.
When the landlords return and demand,
'Give us back our field!'
the children return it by simply stripping themselves
and standing naked before them.
So then, I must also tell you this:
If a householder knows for sure
that thieves are coming to steal his goods,
he will keep careful watch before they get there
to prevent them from tunneling in and taking his possessions.
You too, from your beginnings,
must keep a watchful eye on the cosmos,
binding great power to yourselves
so that thieves cannot find a way to get to you.
Pay attention then.
Any outside help you look for they will try to seize first.
May there be someone among you who truly understands this.
So listen carefully, if you have an ear for this!
When the fruit was ripe, ready to burst,
the harvester came quickly, sickle in hand, and took it.
"Then tell us, Master, what your students are like.
How would you describe them?"
He answered,
"They are like small children
living in a field not their own.
When the landlords return and demand,
'Give us back our field!'
the children return it by simply stripping themselves
and standing naked before them.
So then, I must also tell you this:
If a householder knows for sure
that thieves are coming to steal his goods,
he will keep careful watch before they get there
to prevent them from tunneling in and taking his possessions.
You too, from your beginnings,
must keep a watchful eye on the cosmos,
binding great power to yourselves
so that thieves cannot find a way to get to you.
Pay attention then.
Any outside help you look for they will try to seize first.
May there be someone among you who truly understands this.
So listen carefully, if you have an ear for this!
When the fruit was ripe, ready to burst,
the harvester came quickly, sickle in hand, and took it.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Logion 22: Convergence

Yeshua noticed infants nursing
and said to his students,
"These little ones taking milk
are like those on their way into the kingdom."
So they asked him,
"If we too are 'little ones'
are we on our way into the kingdom?"
Yeshua replied,
"When you are able to make two become one,
the inside like the outside,
and the outside like the inside,
the higher like the lower,
so that a man is no longer male, and a woman, female,
but male and female become a single whole;
When you are able to fashion an eye to replace an eye,
and form a hand in place of a hand, or a foot for a foot,
making one image supersede another --
then you will enter in."
and said to his students,
"These little ones taking milk
are like those on their way into the kingdom."
So they asked him,
"If we too are 'little ones'
are we on our way into the kingdom?"
Yeshua replied,
"When you are able to make two become one,
the inside like the outside,
and the outside like the inside,
the higher like the lower,
so that a man is no longer male, and a woman, female,
but male and female become a single whole;
When you are able to fashion an eye to replace an eye,
and form a hand in place of a hand, or a foot for a foot,
making one image supersede another --
then you will enter in."
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Logion 23: Chosen
Friday, February 26, 2010
Logion 24: Glow

His students said to him,
"Take us to the place where you are,
since we are required to seek after it."
He answered them,
"Whoever has an ear for this should listen carefully!
Light shines out from the center of a being of light
and illuminates the whole cosmos.
Whoever fails to become light is a source of darkness."
"Take us to the place where you are,
since we are required to seek after it."
He answered them,
"Whoever has an ear for this should listen carefully!
Light shines out from the center of a being of light
and illuminates the whole cosmos.
Whoever fails to become light is a source of darkness."
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Logion 25: Excuses
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Logion 26: Humility
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Logion 27: Centering
Monday, February 22, 2010
Logion 28: Blind

Yeshua says...
I stood to my feet in the midst of the cosmos,
appearing outwardly in flesh.
I discovered that all were drunk
but none were thirsty,
and my soul ached for the children of humanity,
for their hearts are blind.
They cannot see from within.
They have come into the cosmos empty,
and they are leaving it empty.
At the moment you are inebriated,
but when freed from the effects of wine,
you too may turn and stand.
I stood to my feet in the midst of the cosmos,
appearing outwardly in flesh.
I discovered that all were drunk
but none were thirsty,
and my soul ached for the children of humanity,
for their hearts are blind.
They cannot see from within.
They have come into the cosmos empty,
and they are leaving it empty.
At the moment you are inebriated,
but when freed from the effects of wine,
you too may turn and stand.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Logion 29: Harnessed
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Logion 30: One and Only
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Logion 32: Exposed
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Logion 33: Proclamation
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Logion 35: Unbound
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Logion 36: Appearances
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Logion 37: Mask

His students asked him,
"When will you manifest yourself to us?
How long will it be
before we see you as you truly are?
Yeshua replied,
"On the day you strip yourselves naked
like those little children,
and take your clothes and trample them
on the ground under your feet without shame,
then you will be able
to look upon the son of the Living One
without fear."
"When will you manifest yourself to us?
How long will it be
before we see you as you truly are?
Yeshua replied,
"On the day you strip yourselves naked
like those little children,
and take your clothes and trample them
on the ground under your feet without shame,
then you will be able
to look upon the son of the Living One
without fear."
Friday, February 12, 2010
Logion 38: Lost
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Logion 39: Key
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Logion 40: Grounded
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Logion 41: Empty
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Logion 43: Inseparable
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Logion 44: Choices
Friday, February 5, 2010
Logion 45: Weeding (Expanded)

Yeshua says...
Grapes are not harvested from thorns,
nor are figs gathered from thistles.
Thorns and thistles do not produce fruit.
Good people bring goodness
out of a storehouse of inner treasure,
and evil ones bring wickedness
out of the repository of evil collected in the heart.
It is from there that they speak.
For from the heart's overflow evil enters the world.
Grapes are not harvested from thorns,
nor are figs gathered from thistles.
Thorns and thistles do not produce fruit.
Good people bring goodness
out of a storehouse of inner treasure,
and evil ones bring wickedness
out of the repository of evil collected in the heart.
It is from there that they speak.
For from the heart's overflow evil enters the world.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Logion 46: Innocence

Yeshua says,
Among those born on Earth,
beginning from Adam to John the Baptist,
no-one has reached a higher state than John -
and you should bow in honor before him.
Yet I tell you this:
whoever of you becomes a little child
will not only know the kingdom,
but will be raised to a state higher than John's.
Among those born on Earth,
beginning from Adam to John the Baptist,
no-one has reached a higher state than John -
and you should bow in honor before him.
Yet I tell you this:
whoever of you becomes a little child
will not only know the kingdom,
but will be raised to a state higher than John's.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Logion 47: Which?

Yeshua says...
No one can mount two horses,
or draw two bows, at once,
and you cannot serve two masters
at the same time.
If you honor one, the other will be offended.
No one drinks a vintage wine
and immediately wants to taste wine freshly bottled.
New wine is not put into old containers
lest it be ruined,
nor is aged wine put into new barrels lest it spoil.
Also, old cloth is not sewn onto new garments
because it only makes the tear worse.
No one can mount two horses,
or draw two bows, at once,
and you cannot serve two masters
at the same time.
If you honor one, the other will be offended.
No one drinks a vintage wine
and immediately wants to taste wine freshly bottled.
New wine is not put into old containers
lest it be ruined,
nor is aged wine put into new barrels lest it spoil.
Also, old cloth is not sewn onto new garments
because it only makes the tear worse.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Logion 48: Duality
Monday, February 1, 2010
Logion 49: Incarnation
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Logion 50: Enlightened

Yeshua says...
Suppose you are asked,
"Where have you come from?"
say, "We have come from the Light at its source,
from the place where it came forth
and was manifest as Image and Icon.
If you are asked, "Are you that Light?"
say, "We are its children,
and chosen by the Source, the Living Father."
If you are questioned,
"But what is the sign of the Source within you?"
say, "It is movement and it is rest."
Suppose you are asked,
"Where have you come from?"
say, "We have come from the Light at its source,
from the place where it came forth
and was manifest as Image and Icon.
If you are asked, "Are you that Light?"
say, "We are its children,
and chosen by the Source, the Living Father."
If you are questioned,
"But what is the sign of the Source within you?"
say, "It is movement and it is rest."
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